The Danes’ spending on gambling products levels off after years of growth

28, Oct 2020

The Danish Gambling Authority’s statements of the Danish gambling market from 2019 show that from 2018 to 2019 there has been a slight decrease in the weekly spending on gambling products per Dane over the age of 18. This is the first time in six years that spending has not increased.

Since the Danish gambling market was partially liberalised in 2012, the Danes average spending on gambling products has generally been increasing. In 2018, the average Dane over the age of 18 spent about DKK 40.7 on gambling products a week and in 2019 the figure was DKK 40.4 in 2019 prices. Thus, it is no major decline, but it breaks with the trend of increasing spending on gambling products that has otherwise characterised the gambling market in recent years. In comparison, just over DKK 34 was spent per week in 2012 in 2019 prices.

“It is interesting that we see a decline in the average spending on gambling products in Denmark for the first time in six years”, says acting director of the Danish Gambling Authority Jan Madsen and continues: “However, it is still too soon to tell, whether it is a long-term development”.

The average spending on gambling products is the amount left when the stake in the game is deducted from the winnings. The amount is an expresion of the players’ losses and is referred to as the gross gaming revenue (GGR).

The decline is seen especially in the land-based sectors, which among other things counts games on gaming machines and land-based casinos. The betting sector, which has otherwise experienced significant growth since 2012, has also seen a slight decline from 2018 to 2019. Despite a continued increase in online casinos, this has not made up for a fall in the average spending on gambling products.

The Danish Gambling Authority continuously monitor the developments in the gambling market and publish quarterly statistics which are available on the Danish Gambling Authority’s website

”It is one of the Danish Gambling Authority’s main tasks to monitor the development in the different gambling sectors. Knowledge about developments in the gambling market is essential to the Danish Gambling Authority, as it shows where the gambling market is heading and can, among other things, be used to improve responsible gambling efforts”, says Jan Madsen.

The statistics for the 3rd quarter of 2020 are expected to be available by mid-November.


Spending on gambling levels off in 2019 after years of growth (October 2020)

After a constant growt since 2012, statistics from 2019 show a small decrease in the Danish gambling market.

Læs faktaark om udviklingen i danskernes spilforbrug siden 2012