The treatment centres are independent state-funded institutions and are not affiliated with the Danish Gambling Authority.

Forskningsklinikken for Ludomani

Forskningsklinikken for Ludomani, Aarhus University Hospital, is the only hospital clinic in
Denmark that is specialised in treatment of compulsive gambling. All practitioners at the
clinic are authorised psychologists (cand.psych.aut.) with years of experience and
specialised knowledge about compulsive gambling. 
Based on a thorough diagnosing, an individual treatment offer is made, which takes into
account diagnoses, problems, and resources. Our treatment is based on evidence-based
cognitive behavioural therapy, which means that we exclusively apply scientifically
documented methods.

Online treatment

Forskningsklinikken for Ludomani also offers treatment via the treatment platform SpilleFri
(GambleFree) that can be found on SpilleFri consists of 8
modules with the most important topics in an effective treatment of compulsive gambling.
When you gain access to SpilleFri, you will also receive support from a psychologist at the
Forskningsklinikken for Ludomani. The psychologist will track your progress and will
communicate with you via a chat function in the programme. Please contact the clinic for
more information.


Aarhus Universitetshospital
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 11
Indgang A, Plan 2, A203
8200 Aarhus N
