The Danish Gambling Authority releases study on gambling and compulsive gambling in Denmark

24, May 2022

On behalf of the Danish Gambling Authority, Rambøll Management Consulting has conducted a study of Danes' gambling in 2021. 

5,646 Danes between the ages 12 and 79 participated in the study (1,785 between the ages 12 and 17 and 3,861 over 18)

The report, which can be read in full and as a summary here on this site (only available in Danish), describes the prevalence of gambling problems in Denmark and who have problems with gambling in Denmark, among other things. 

Aditionally, it was examined whether there is a connection between video gaming and compulsive gambling, and whether advertisements affect players.




Survey of the prevalance of gambling and gambling problems in Denmark 2021

Survey of the prevalence of gambling and gambling problems in Denmark conducted by Ramboll in 2021. The report also includes a survey of the link between video gaming and gambling and the impact of ads and commercials on players. 
(73 pages)

Sammendrag: Prævalensundersøgelse af pengespil og ludomani i Danmark 2021

Sammendrag af konklusionerne fra undersøgelse af danskernes pengespil 2021.
(9 sider)

Bilag: Prævalensundersøgelse af pengespil og ludomani i Danmark 2021

Samling af bilag til undersøgelse om danskernes pengespil 2021. (Metode, spilbeskrivelser, spørgeskema, spørgeguide, reklamers effekt, supplerende figurer og tabeller)
(56 sider)