Update concerning horse race gambling - new ”Guidance on reporting of games”, corrected XSDs and suspension of "TotalEventstruktur"

06, Dec 2017

The Danish Gambling Authority has updated ”Guidance on reporting of games” –  so that it now includes all the new game types in connection to the liberalization of betting on horse racing. It follows the principle from other types of games in that all data fields in all structures are explained.

The XSDs have also been updated. Only one type of error has been corrected. These were fields that erroneously had been added ”Hesteagtig”/”HestDK” as a prefix. Please, find a list below . It should be stressed that all the guidance to the field names in earlier news have all been correct. A single data field name has been corrected compared to earlier news – bet exchange on Danish Horceraces shall be named - ”FastoddsspilBeXDkHest” as it was also named in the last edition of the xsd’s and in “Guidance on reporting of games”.

Finally, the Danish Gambling Authority has discovered problems with HesteagtigEventTotal and HestDKEventTotal leading to their suspension – at least until February 1st 2018. Licence holders who had planned to use these structures for their reporting are kindly asked to contact the Danish Gambling Authority aba@spillemyndigheden.dk (link sends e-mail) as soon as possible. 

However, the possibility of delaying the reporting of “startstruktur” (which is a part of “EventTotal”) is now expanded to include “HestDKstartstruktur”/”Hesteagtigstartstruktur”.

List of corrected data elements in ”HestDK”/”Hesteagtig”:
HestDKPuljespilNøgleNummer/HesteagtigPuljespilNøgleNummer should be PuljespilNøgleNummer
HestDKPuljespilNøgleBeskrivelse/HesteagtigPuljespilNøgleBeskrivelse should be PuljespilNøgleBeskrivelse
HestDKPuljespilNøgleValideTal/HesteagtigPuljespilNøgleValideTal should be PuljespilNøgleValideTal
HestDKSpilProduktIdentifikation/HesteagtigSpilProduktIdentifikation should be SpilProduktIdentifikation