Newsletter no. 33 on betting

25, Nov 2016

The Danish Gambling Authority has found that there is doubt about which regulation apply when land-based betting is provided. (i.e. bets sold from a physical shop as opposed to online). Therefore, the present newsletter provides a complete overview of the regulation that have caused doubts.

This newsletter replaces newsletters nos. 5, 12 and 28.

At the same time, the purpose of this newsletter is to create alignment and transparency about land-based betting, since The Danish Gambling Authority has been asked several questions about different scenarios for providing land-based betting.
In order to create the transparency and alignment needed, The Danish Gambling Authority has decided to change the Danish terminology. Therefore, shops which were formerly in Danish called “væddemålsbutik”, will from now on only be called “spillebutik”. The English word will still be betting shop.

You can read the newsletter below or go to the menu "news" on the Danish Gambling Authority's website, where all newsletters are compiled.