New National Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment

10, Jan 2024

On 8 January 2024, the National Security and Intelligence Service (PET) published a new national risk assessment of terrorist financing. It must replace the previous risk assessment from 2019.

Gambling operators must include the national risk assessments in their risk assessment of their own business. Gambling operators must ensure that their risk assessments reflect the gambling operators' current risk profile at all times, and therefore the publication of the new national risk assessment may be an occasion to revise the business's risk assessment. 

Gambling operators must be aware that the business's risk assessment must, as a starting point, be reassessed at least once a year or otherwise in connection with significant changes in the risk conditions, such as when introducing a new product, or in connection with the publication of new national or supranational risk assessments. 

The risk assessment is published in Danish. An English version is expected to be published soon.

Read the National risk assessment of financing of terorrism (only in Danish) and read more about anti-money laundering.