Whistleblower scheme about money laundering: The Danish Gambling Authority’s whistleblower programme

By using the form below, employees of gambling operators, which are covered by the rules of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, can send an anonymous enquiry concerning reports of the gambling operator’s violations or potential violations of the anti-money laundering legislation. We recommend that you send a detailed description and please attach relevant documents if possible.
Your relation to the gambling operator
Upload requirements

All enquiries are processed strictly confidentially.

The Danish Gambling Authority may disclose information in the enquiry to relevant authorities, including the Prosecution Service and the police etc. This appears in section 69 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act. If information is disclosed to another authority, this authority is under the same obligation to maintain confidentiality, which applies to the employees at the Danish Gambling Authority.


All reports are processed on a strictly confidential basis

The Danish Gambling Authority’s employees are subject to a duty of confidentiality, and data provided in connection with a report to the whistleblower scheme are consequently processed in confidentiality.

The Danish Gambling Authority can disclose data from the report to relevant authorities, including the Prosecution Service and the Police among others. This is stated in section 69 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act. If data is disclosed to another authority, the authority will also be subject to the duty of confidentiality applying to the employees of the Danish Gambling Authority.